I heard like this:
At one time, Buddha Entered the Right-Meditation named Great Light Treasure of Ubiquitous Supernatural Power. That treasure is the place that keeps brilliantly the solemnity of all Buddhas, and also the Nature-of-Enligtenment-Wisdom– which is very transparent and pure of all kinds of satvas. Buddha Entered this Right-Meditation, so his Body and Mind were very quiet, identical with the ubiquitous universe nature, which means to be consistent with Non-Duality. This Non-Duality represents Pure world where Buddha and Ten Thousand Mahàsatvas with the leaders such as Manjusri Bodhisatva, Samantabhadra Bodhisatva, Universal Vision Bodhisatva, Vajragarbha Bodhisatva, Maitreya Bodhisatva, Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva, Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva, Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva, Purifier of All Karmic Hindrances Bodhisatva, Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva, Perfect Enlightenment Bodhisatva and Most Excellent of Worthies Bodhisatva; these Bodhisatva and their entourage, entered the Right-Meditation, so they joined the Equal-Dharma-Congress of Buddha.
At that time, Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva was among The mass, from his seat stood up, then worshiped with his forehead as high as Buddha’s feet, according to the right side of Buddha, walked around Buddha three times, kneeled straight, joined his hands and said:
Buddha with great compassion, YOU taught us interestingly the diseases of Dhyàna-contemplation, making this mass achieve unprecedented artha, relaxed citta-mind and great stability.
Buddha, people in the final period who live too far away from Your time, Awakeners hide away, wrong theories grow more strongly; to make the vague people in that period avoid having wrong knowledge, can You teach them who to look for? What Dharmas to base on? What to do? What sicknesses to eliminate? What Citta to arise?
After saying that, Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva put his five body parts on the ground to worship Buddha. Bodhisatva made that request three times in that posture respectfully, after each time of request he started over again.
Then, Buddha taught Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva:
Very well, Good Son, You ask Tathàgata about the conducting-practicing like this, donating to people in the final period the wisdom-enlightenment eyes that no longer have fear, making them achieve Awakeners’ wisdom-enlightenment. You should listen carefully, Tathagàta will expound.
Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva felt glad and together with The mass listened quietly.
Buddha taught:
Good Son, people in the final period, when preparing to arise great citta and looking for good teacher and friends to conduct-practice, should find someone who sees and knows exactly: does not live under the framework of normal people, not entangled in the field of the two vehicles, displaying dust but the citta is often bright-transparent, performing wrongdoings but applauding Noble Actions, not making people live without precepts. Looking for people like this will achieve the supreme wisdom-enlightenment.
Those in the final period meeting people like this should serve them even if they have to lose their lives. This good teacher and good friends whose walking-standing-lying-sitting are always transparent and bright should be respected, supposing that they express wrongdoings, don’t despise them, only to be interested in familiar possessions. Any Good Son that doesn’t have bad thinking about good teacher and friends will have the potential to achieve full wisdom-enlightenment exactly, citta-mind-flowers shine, illuminating all things.
Good Son, you should base on the Dharma of good teacher and friends, the Dharma has to be separate from four sicknesses. First is the sickness of doing, which is if someone says that “I deliberately do all things to pray for complete enlightenment”; but complete enlightenment cannot be achieved by doing like that, so it is said to be sickness. Second is the sickness of abandonment, which is if someone says that “I don’t eliminate life and death, don’t pray for nirvana, for nirvana and samsara I don’t have the thought of launching or destroying, I abandon all, don’t care about all Dharmas to pray for complete enlightenment”; but complete enlightenment cannot be achieved by abandonment like that, so it is said to be sickness. Third is the sickness of stopping, which is if someone says that “I stop all thinking, holding the silence of all Dharmas to pray for complete enlightenment”; but complete enlightenment cannot match by stopping like that, so it is said to be sickness. Fourth is the sickness of elimination, which is if someone says that “I get rid of distress, without body-citta, much less illusory Faculty-Scene, I cease all to pray for complete enlightenment”; but complete enlightenment cannot be realized by eliminating like that, so it is said to be sickness. Whose Dharma is separate from such four sicknesses so know that that Dharma is bright-transparent. And considering like this is exact consideration, considering differently is wrong consideration.
Good Son, people in the final period who would like to conduct-practice have to all their life serve good teacher and friends that have the Dharma that is separate from these four diseases. If wanting to be close to good teacher and friends, do not be profane, if wanting to leave, do not resent them. Facing unfavorable scenes or favorable scenes the heart is like space, with body and mind-citta knowing that all are unreal, seeing that all satvas are the same nature with themselves. Only by doing like this can they enter complete enlightenment.
Good Son, people in the final period don’t achieve wisdom-enlightenment because they have not eliminated the seeds of hate-love to themselves as well as others, that have been present since without beginning. Whoever looks at their enemies the same way they look at their parents, the inside thinking is without here and there, then can get rid of all kinds of sickness in conducting-practicing. Hate-Love towards Dharmas also has to be destroyed like this.
Good Son, people in the final period wanting to pray for complete enlightenment must arise Bodhicitta, by saying something like this: At the end of space, how many satvas in there, I vow to make them enter complete enlightenment; in complete enlightenment, I don’t hold on the idea that there are people who realize and people who are enlightened, I vow to exclude all shades of ego-form human-form. Arising the citta like this will not fall into the wrong knowledge.
Buddha would like to repeat the expounded meaning so he said the following words:
Universal Enlightenment should know
the subsequent generations
wishing to have good teacher and friends
have to pray people
seeing and knowing exactly
Citta is beyond the two vehicles.
In terms of conducting Dharma
must get rid of four sicknesses
the sickness of doing, the sickness of stopping
the sickness of abandonment, the sickness of elimination
And good teacher and friends
if close, don’t be conceited
if not close, don’t resent them,
And seeing everything
of good teacher and friends
feeling that it’s rare;
Having good teacher and friends
is like Buddha appearing.
Do not commit
what is contrary to the majesty,
precept roots
permanently bright-transparent.
Vow to help satvas
to enter complete enlightenment,
without self-form
without human-form,
Based on wisdom-enlightenment
Exact like this
can overcome all
that is false seeing:
Exact wisdom enlightenment
can enter Nirvàna./.
Esoteric Dharma Vajrapani Lineage
Vajrapani group – “Sun” generation
Translator: Nhat Loan