DHARMA SOUNDS (Bilingualism: English-Vietnamese):

PHÁP ÂM (Song Ngữ Anh-Việt):

SPEAKER : NHAT NGAN (english) – NHAT AN (vietnamese)


Sorry, this entry is only available in Vietnamese.



I heard like this:

At one time, Buddha Entered the Right-Meditation named Great Light Treasure of Ubiquitous Supernatural Power. That treasure is the place that keeps brilliantly the solemnity of all Buddhas, and also the Nature-of-Enlightenment-Wisdom which is very transparent and pure of all kinds of satvas. Buddha Entered this Right-Meditation, so his Body and Mind were very quiet, identical with the ubiquitous universe nature, which means to be consistent with Non-Duality. This Non-Duality represents Pure world where Buddha and Ten Thousand  Mahàsatvas with the leaders such as Manjusri Bodhisatva, Samantabhadra Bodhisatva, Universal Vision Bodhisatva, Vajragarbha Bodhisatva, Maitreya Bodhisatva, Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva, Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva, Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva, Purifier of All Karmic Hindrances Bodhisatva, Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva, Perfect Enlightenment Bodhisatva and Most Excellent of Worthies Bodhisatva; these Bodhisatvas and their entourage, entered the  Right-Meditation, so they joined the Equal-Dharma-Congress of Buddha.


At that time, Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva was among The mass, from his seat stood up, then worshiped with his forehead as high as Buddha’s feet, according to the right side of Buddha, walked around Buddha three times, kneeled straight, joined his hands and said:

Buddha with great compassion, the means that YOU have opened up are truly rare. Buddha, for those means, meaning that for the gateway to Complete Enlightenment, how many ways are there for Bodhisatvas to conduct and practise to Enter? I would like to ask you respectfully to open this mass, and people in the final period, making everyone have true enlightenment.

After saying that, Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva put his five body parts on the ground to worship Buddha. Bodhisatva made that request three times in that posture respectfully, after each time of request he started over again.

Then, Buddha taught Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva:

Very well, Good Son, for the mass, and the subsequent generations you ask Tathàgata about the ways to conduct-practice the three means. You should listen carefully, Tathàgata will expound.

Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva felt glad and together with The mass listened quietly.

Buddha taught:

Good Son, the transparent bright Complete Enlightenment that all Tathàgata realize and are enlightened to originally has no conducting-practicing and no conductor-practitioner, Bodhisatvas, and the subsequent generations, based on illusory power of Enlightened Enlightenment Wisdom but have yet to be fully enlightened to conduct-practice, at that time there are twenty five transparent bright Dhyàna-contemplation wheels.

First, if the Bodhisatva only holds Utmost Quiescence, due to its power that completely terminated the trouble complete Ultimate end, does not leave own position and enters Nirvàna immediately, that’s Bodhisatva conducting only Utmost Quiescence side.

Second, if the Bodhisatva only contemplates As  Illusion, because of Buddha power that displays  all kinds of  bodies-scenes depending on the demand of the worlds of satvas, with all kinds of refined and transparent actions of the Bodhisatva without losing Utmost Maturity memory and Utmost Quiescence knowing of Dhàrani-Dharmas, that’s Bodhisatva conducting only Utmost Active side.

Third, if the Bodhisatva only eliminates all illusion, that means not to hold expression but only terminate trouble, when trouble is terminated can achieve true form, that’s Bodhisatva conducting only Utmost Maturity side.

Fourth, if the Bodhisatva holds Utmost Quiescence first, later brings Utmost Quiescence Enlightenment-Wisdom to illuminate illusion, then in this illumination emerges Bodhisatva’s actions, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Quiescence first and Utmost Active later.

Fifth, if the Bodhisatva brings Utmost Quiescence Enlightenment-Wisdom to realize and to be Enlightened to Utmost Quiescence Nature, trouble will leave immediately, completely leave Birth-Death, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Quiescence first and Utmost Maturity later.

Sixth, if the Bodhisatva brings Utmost Quiescence Enlightenment-Wisdom, and uses illusory power to display many ways for transforming the perception of satvas to help  them, then eliminates trouble to enter Nirvàna, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Quiescence first, Utmost Active in the middle, and Utmost Maturity later.

Seventh, if the Bodhisatva uses Utmost Quiescence power to eliminate trouble, then arises refined and transparent bright actions of the Bodhisatva for transforming the perception of satvas to help them, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Quiescence first, Utmost Maturity in the middle and Utmost Active later.

Eighth, if the Bodhisatva uses Utmost Quiescence power, then transforms the perception of satvas to help them and builds Buddha Land to eliminate trouble, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Quiescence first, and later Utmost Active and Utmost Maturity at the same time.

Ninth, if the Bodhisatva uses Utmost Quiescence power to help the emergence of all expressive ways and then eliminates trouble, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Quiescence and Utmost Active at the same time, and Utmost Maturity later.

Tenth, if the Bodhisatva uses Utmost Quiescence power to help the  cessation, then emerges all expressive ways, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Quiescence and  Utmost Maturity at the same time, and Utmost Active later.

Eleventh, if the Bodhisatva uses power  to create illusion and adapt to all, then holds Utmost Quiescence, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Active first, and Utmost Quiescence later.

Twelfth, if the Bodhisatva uses power to create illusion and adapt to all, then holds the cessation, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Active first, and Utmost Maturity later.

Thirteenth, if the Bodhisatva uses power to create illusion l to do all things  Buddhas do, then stays in quiescence to eliminate trouble, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Active first, Utmost Quiescence in the middle, and Utmost Maturity later.

Fourteenth, if the Bodhisatva uses power to create illusion in acting without barrier, then eliminates trouble and lives in Utmost Quiescence, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Active first, Utmost Maturity in the middle, and Utmost Quiescence later.

Fifteenth, if the Bodhisatva uses power to create illusion in acting by all means, and is then consistent with Utmost Quiescence and the cessation, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Active first, and later Utmost Quiescence and Utmost Maturity at the same time.

Sixteenth, if the Bodhisatva uses power to create illusion that emerges all the effects to help Utmost Quiescence, then eliminates trouble, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Active and Utmost Quiescence at the same time, then Utmost Maturity later.

Seventeenth, if the Bodhisatva uses power to create illusion that helps the  cessation, then  lives in transparent bright, quiet and immovable citta, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Active and Utmost Maturity at the same time, and Utmost Quiescence later.

Eighteenth, if the Bodhisatva uses power of the cessation that spreads out Utmost Quiescence and lives in transparency, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Maturity first, and Utmost Quiescence later.

Nineteenth, if the Bodhisatva uses power of the cessation that emerges the activity, that activity in any cases is still consistent with Utmost Maturity, that is Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Maturity first, and Utmost Active later.

Twentieth, if the Bodhisatva uses power of the cessation that puts all expressive personalities in quiet citta, then emerges all expressions, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Maturity first, Utmost Quiescence in the middle, and Utmost Active later.

Twenty-first, if the Bodhisatva uses power of the cessation, from immovable nature that emerges the activity, the activity which has that transparent bright nature is back to quiet citta, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Maturity first, Utmost Active in the middle, and Utmost Quiescence later.

Twenty-second, if the Bodhisatva uses power of the cessation to make all things transparent, and then stays in quiet citta  to emerge all expressions, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Maturity first, and later Utmost Quiescence and Utmost Active at the same time.

Twenty-third, if the Bodhisatva uses power of the cessation to help Utmost Quiescence that emerges all expressions, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Maturity and Utmost Quiescence at the same time, and Utmost Active later.

Twenty-fourth, if the Bodhisatva uses power of the cessation to help the expression, then arises corresponding scenes and transparent bright Enlightenment-Wisdom of Utmost Quiescence, that’s Bodhisatva conducting Utmost Maturity and Utmost Active at the same time, and Utmost Quiescence later.

Twenty-fifth, if the Bodhisatva uses Complete Enlightenment Wisdom to combine all, all the  characteristics and uses without leaving Complete Enlightenment, that’s Bodhisatva conducting three transparent means consistent  with Complete Enlightenment.

Good son, twenty-five Dhyàna-contemplation wheels that all Bodhisatvas conduct-practice are like this. If Bodhisatvas, and the subsequent generations, want to base on those twenty-five wheels, firstly must keep noble actions, thinking deeply and quietly, and repenting earnestly. After doing this for three weeks seven days, write these twenty five wheels one by one, fold them back, with earnest entreaty, use the hands to get one, and open it up, will know that the wheel obtained is the immediate or gradual nature of conducting. Doing so with any tinge of distrust is unsuccessful.

Buddha would like to repeat the expounded meaning so he said the following words:

Voice of Discernment should know,
Transparent bright Enlightenment-Wisdom
Of all Bodhisatvas
Appears from Dhyàna-contemplation –
Dhyàna-contemplation has three sides
Utmost Quiescence, Utmost Active
Together with Utmost Maturity,
Conducting-practicing seamlessly
Or gradually
Into twenty-five ways.
All Tathàgata
In the ten directions,
belonging to three times
nobody without
such means,
can achieve
Bodhi-Enlightenment Wisdom.
Except those with
seamless enlightenment,
together with those
who refuse Buddha-Dharma,
and the subsequent generations
who regularly hold
such means,
adapt to, make great effort,
and conduct-practice,
thanks to the power
of The Buddha’s Compassion,
will not wait long
to achieve Nirvana./.

Esoteric Dharma Vajrapani Lineage
Vajrapani group – “Sun” generation
Translator: Nhat Loan



I heard like this:

At one time, Buddha Entered the Right-Meditation named Great Light Treasure of Ubiquitous Supernatural Power. That treasure is the place that keeps brilliantly the solemnity of all Buddhas, and also the Nature-of-Enlightenment-Wisdom which is very transparent and pure of all kinds of satvas. Buddha Entered this Right-Meditation, so his Body and Mind were very quiet, identical with the ubiquitous universe nature, which means to be consistent with Non-Duality. This Non-Duality represents Pure world where Buddha and Ten Thousand  Mahàsatvas with the leaders such as Manjusri Bodhisatva, Samantabhadra Bodhisatva, Universal Vision Bodhisatva, Vajragarbha Bodhisatva, Maitreya Bodhisatva, Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva, Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva, Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva, Purifier of All Karmic Hindrances Bodhisatva, Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva, Perfect Enlightenment Bodhisatva and Most Excellent of Worthies Bodhisatva; these Bodhisatvas and their entourage, entered the  Right-Meditation, so they joined the Equal-Dharma-Congress of Buddha.


 At that time, Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva was among The mass, from his seat stood up, then worshiped with his forehead as high as Buddha’s feet, according to the right side of Buddha, walked around Buddha three times, kneeled straight, joined his hands and said:

Buddha with great compassion, for us, YOU have analyzed and categorized the adaptation to complete enlightenment like that, making Bodhisatvas’ Enlightenment-Wisdom bright and clear, thanks to the full voice of Buddha, without through conducting-practicing can  still get good benefits.

Buddha, like a great castle, with four gates outside, anyone depending on the directions he wants can go into that castle, rather than just one way. The same is true for Bodhisatvas, making Buddha Land solemn and completing Enlightenment-Wisdom, those two artha are not by unique ways. Therefore, I would also like to ask Buddha respectfully to teach us, how many means and people who practice the means are there? Teaching this, Buddha will make Bodhisatvas in this Dharma-Congress, and people in the final period who seek Mahàyàna Dharma, be quickly enlightened, travel in the great quiet sea of Buddha.

After saying that, Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva put his five body parts on the ground to worship Buddha. Bodhisatva made that request three times in that posture respectfully, after each time of request he started over again.

Then, Buddha taught Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva:

Very well, Good Son, for other Bodhisatvas, and subsequent generations you ask Tathàgata about such means. You should listen carefully, Tathagàta will expound.

Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva felt glad and together with The mass listened quietly.

Buddha taught:

Good Son, Supreme Complete Enlightenment, all over the ten directions, gives birth to Tathàgata and Dharmas, so Original Nature is naturally equal. That Original Nature, to conductors-practitioners, is unanimous; but the means consistent with that Original Nature are endless, and when summarized, sorted according to the tendencies of Conductors-Practitioners, there are three.

Good Son, Bodhisatvas are awakened to Transparent-Bright Complete Enlightenment, use that awakened Enlightenment-Wisdom to mainly hold the utmost quiescence to make False Thoughts subside, so clearly see that Mind-Citta is troublesome and active, utmost quiescence Enlightenment-Wisdom arises. The Dust of Body-Citta will from now completely terminate, inside instantly radiates quiet relaxation. Because of such quietness, Tathàgata’s Body-Citta in the Ten directions of Buddha Land is reflected in it like the image that appears in the mirror stand. Such Means is called Utmost Quiescence Samatha side.

Good Son, Bodhisatvas are awakened to Transparent-bright Complete Enlightenment, use that awakened Enlightenment-Wisdom to know that Mind-Citta and Faculty-Scene are fully Illusory, so emerges  illusion to eliminate  illusion, express all Illusory  means to transform the perception of  illusory Satvas to save them. Because of emerging such illusion, inside radiates Great Compassion relaxation. Bodhisatvas from this Great Compassion emerge actions, sequentially go forward. Know that the observation of illusion is not illusory, then know that that observation is not illusory is also illusory: so illusion leaves permanently. Such delicate actions of Bodhisatvas are like soil that yields and increases rice. Such Means is called Utmost Active Samàdhi.

Good Son, Bodhisatvas are awakened to Transparent-bright Complete Enlightenment, use that awakened Enlightenment-Wisdom, do not hold expression and quiescence, but know that Body-Citta is all hindrances. That knowing is not like the knowing of the faculties, is not based on Body-Citta that is hindrances, so permanently surpass hindrances and non-hindrances, receive and enjoy this state: Body-Citta and the World of Body-Citta, although still in the field of dust, but, like the sound in a big bell that has been rung, resounds out, Distress and Nirvana cannot prevent or hold that person, and inside radiates quiet relaxation. Such quietness is the realm of being consistent of Delicate Enlightenment-Wisdom, Body-Citta of his own or of others are all not comprehended. Satvas’ form or Recipient’s form, those concepts are all illusion. Such means is called Utmost Maturity Dhyàna side.

Good Son, three above means are all the closest adaptation to Complete Enlightenment. The Ten directions of Tathàgata by those three means become Buddhas.  All the means of the Ten directions of Bodhisatvas, and all identity or differences of  those means, all fully based on three means like this. Three means like this if can be completely realized will achieve Complete Enlightenment.

Good Son, suppose that there is someone who conducts Pure Enlightenment-Wisdom, successfully teaching hundreds of thousands of numberless Arahat and Pratyeka-Buddhas, is not equal to anyone who listens to these Three Unhindered Dharmaparyàya of Complete Enlightenment and adapt to them and conduct and practice them, even only in the shortest unit of time.

Buddha would like to repeat the expounded meaning so he said the following words:

Power and Virtue Unhindered,
YOU should know that
Supreme Complete Enlightenment
Identical Nature,
Consistent Means
and is covered
by immeasurable Tathàgata
Into three sides:
About Utmost Quiescence side
Like a mirror reflecting images,
About Utmost Active side
Like soil growing rice,
About Utmost Maturity side
Like the sound of the big bell.
All the Three Dharmaparyàya
Delicate like this
are all the means
Consistent with Complete Enlightenment.
The Ten directions of Tathàgata
Together with Mahàsatva
Thanks to those means
Become Supreme Enlightenment.
Those three means
If completely realized
Will completely realize
Ultimate-end Nirvàna./.

Esoteric Dharma Vajrapani Lineage
Vajrapani group – “Sun” generation
Translator: Nhat Loan



I heard like this:

At one time, Buddha Entered the Right-Meditation named Great Light Treasure of Ubiquitous Supernatural Power. That treasure is the place that keeps brilliantly the solemnity of all Buddhas, and also the Nature-of- Enlightenment-Wisdom which is very transparent and pure of all kinds of beings. Buddha Entered this Right-Meditation, so his Body and Mind were very quiet, identical with the ubiquitous universe nature, which means to be consistent with Non-Duality. This Non-Duality represents Pure world where Buddha and Ten Thousand Mahàsatvas with the leaders such as Manjusri Bodhisatva, Samantabhadra Bodhisatva, Universal Vision Bodhisatva, Vajragarbha Bodhisatva, Maitreya Bodhisatva, Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva, Power and Virtue Unhindered Bodhisatva, Voice of Discernment Bodhisatva, Purifier of All Karmic Hindrances Bodhisatva, Universal Enlightenment Bodhisatva, Perfect Enlightenment Bodhisatva and Most Excellent of Worthies Bodhisatva; these Bodhisatvas and their entourage, entered the  Right-Meditation, so they joined the Equal-Dharma-Congress of Buddha.


 At that time, Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva was among The mass, from his seat stood up, then worshiped with his forehead as high as Buddha’s feet, according to the right  side of Buddha, walked around Buddha three times, kneeled straight, joined his hands and said:

Buddha with great compassion, YOU taught us, widely, about everything beyond the reach of Thinking and Discussion that previously we did not hear of or see. Now we are thanks to Buddha’s smart Teaching – Example that the Body and Citta-Mind are relaxed, get great benefits. I would like to ask you respectfully to teach The Mass, as regards the Complete Enlightenment of Dharmaràja, how is the difference in the practice of kinds of Satvas, Bodhisatvas, and Buddhas? Buddha’s teaching will make people in the final period, to Complete Enlightenment, can follow, be awakened to, and enter sequentially.

After saying that, Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva put his five body parts on the ground to worship Buddha. Bodhisatva made that request three times in that posture respectfully, after each time of request he started over again.

Then, Buddha taught Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva:

Very well, Good Son, for other Bodhisatvas, and subsequent generations, you ask Tathàgata about Different Hierarchy in the Practice of Complete Enlightenment. You should listen carefully, Tathagàta will expound.

Pure Wisdom Bodhisatva felt glad and together with The mass listened quietly.

Buddha taught:

Good Son, Complete Enlightenment Nature is not Seed-Natures, but any Seed-Nature has Complete Enlightenment, so depending on the Seed-Natures that arise that there is difference, but in fact there is no holding of realization-enlightenment at all. Because in Complete Enlightenment, Bodhisatvas and Satvas are not true; Bodhisatvas and Satvas are all Illusion: When Illusion terminates no one is the person who holds Realization-Enlightenment, like the eyes cannot see the eye itself. So Complete Enlightenment Nature is No Difference, no difference is not created by anyone. But Satvas are in confusion and aberration, cannot completely destroy Illusion, and in the stage when termination is not complete but is in progress, during the practice process, difference is automatically revealed. Until being consistent with Tathàgata’s ceased Complete Enlightenment, there is no longer cessation, no ceasing person.

Good Son, from Without Beginning until now, Satvas  have illusion about Self-Ego and crave for Ego, are never self-aware to know that Self-Ego is only the state of consecutive arising and termination in each shortest unit of time, so  arise the Side of Hatred and the Side of Love, cling to  the joy of the five desires. If can meet Good Master and Friend who teach Transparent-Bright Complete Enlightenment Nature, discover the nature of the arising and termination, then can instantly  fully understand that this life itself creates  the thought of tiredness, and desire to destroy that thought of tiredness by the knowing of Transparent-Bright Complete Enlightenment Nature. But this knowing itself is a hindrance to them, so they can’t be independent of Complete Enlightenment. It’s common people’s adaptation to Complete Enlightenment

Good Son, Bodhisatvas know that the above knowing is hindrance, though terminating the hindrance of the above knowing, but still stand from their own Knowing, so the Knowing of knowing this hindrance again becomes hindrance and have not been Independent yet. It’s the adaptation to Complete Enlightenment of Bodhisatvas who have not reached Dasabhùmi (Ten Stages).

Good Son,  any Knowing is also hindrance, so Bodhisatvas  usually Know but do not cling to The Knowing, then The Knowing and The  person knowing  are quiet at the same time, like a person who cuts his head off himself. When the head is cut off, the person cutting off the head also no longer exists: use the Knowing of hindrance itself to terminate hindrance, after hindrance is terminated, the Knowing of the termination of hindrance is also nothing. Knowing Sùtra-Dharma is also just like the finger pointing to the moon, look at the moon and know that the finger is never the moon; know that all languages Tathàgata taught Bodhisatvas are the same. It’s the adaptation to Complete Enlightenment of Bodhisatvas who have reached the Ten Stages.

Good Son, Knowing thoroughly about all hindrances: Mindfulness and False thoughts  are all Liberation,  Completion and Quitting are all Nirvana, Enlightenment-Wisdom  and Ignorance are all Prajnà, Bodhisatva Achievement and Tìrthya Achievement  are all Bodhi, Absolute-Truth  and Ignorance are all Original Nature,  Precept-Meditation-Wisdom and Sexuality-Anger-Ignorance  are all Noble Action,  Satvas and Buddha Land  are all Dharma-Nature, Hell  and Devaloka  are all Pure Land, With Seed-Nature  and Without Seed-Nature  all become Buddha, all Distress Ultimate-end is Liberation: The Sea of Enlightenment-Wisdom illuminates the concepts of mutual opposition all like Space. It’s Tathagàta’s adaptation to Complete Enlightenment.

Good Son, Bodhisatvas and people in the final period, if there is anyone who does not ever emerge False thoughts, to False thought also does not terminate it, live in False Scenes Without Discrimination, also does not say that No Discrimination is True, then when this person listens to this Complete Enlightenment Dharma-Talk he will trust, explain, accept, remember, without astonishment or fear, and that is Adaptation to Complete Enlightenment. Good Son, you should know this person has made  offerings to Hundreds of tens of thousands of Numberless  Buddhas and Mahàsatvas, sowed and planted the roots of merit and virtue, and Tathagàta call this person the person that Achieves Enlightenment-Wisdom Knowing all kinds of  Seeds.

Buddha would like to repeat the expounded meaning so he said the following words:

Pure Wisdom,
Should know Original Nature
Wholly Complete Enlightenment-Wisdom
Without the Holding of Realization-Enlightenment,
Without Bodhisatvas
Without Satvas;
Because of being in the process of Realization-Enlightenment
Or having Achieved Realization-Enlightenment,
so there are Different Levels.
Common people are hindered
by The knowing;
Bodhisatvas in lower levels
have not  left the Knowing;
Ten-Stage Bodhisatvas
Forever cease,
No longer cling to
All the above Knowing;
Tathàgata with Great-Enlightenment
have complete adaptation.
Anyone in Subsequent generations
Citta is without False Thoughts,
Tathàgata declare
People like this
in the present is already
A Bodhisatva,
in the past made offerings to
numberless Buddhas,
And have
All good qualities.
In short,
the above styles
are all called
Adaptation to Complete Enlightenment./.


Esoteric Dharma Vajrapani Lineage
Vajrapani group – “Sun” generation
Translator: Nhat Loan




(PART – 04)


Good son, such Ignorance Does Not Truly Exist, exactly like characters in Dreams, in Dreams things are seen to Exist, but when Awake know that they are Nothingness — Here Nothingness is like when Blur Spots disappear in the Space, we can’t say that Space has the Position of Disappearance, because Space has No Position of Birth. In such No-Birth No Disappearance, all kinds of beings mistakenly see that there are Appearance-Disappearance, so it is called the wheel of births-and-deaths; and all Tathàgatas’ preliminary basic actions are to observe Complete Enlightenment: Knowing that it is Blur Spots in the Space is to know that The wheel of Births-and-Deaths are Nothingness — , the Body and the Mind that suffer that  wheel of births-and-deaths are also Nothingness — Nothingness, it does not mean that things must be made to disappear to become Nothingness, but in reality  Nature is Nothingness. When knowing that things are Blur spots in the space, that Knowledge is also Nothingness; knowing that that knowledge is also Nothingness is also a shade of Blur Spots in the space; and yet it can’t be said that we Do Not Know Anything: when both existence and non-existence are denied, it can be said that it is Suitable for Pure Wisdom. Pure Wisdom is because the nature is like Space, Permanently Immovable, which means Tathàgata-garbha Is Without Birth and  Disappearance, Without the Seeing and Knowing that reflect Birth and Disappearance, but is The Universe Nature which is Absolute, Complete and  Ubiquitous.

That is Tathàgata’s Preliminary Basic Actions. Bodhisatvas base on that fundamental to arise Pure Bodhicitta in Mahàyàna. And people in the final period base on that foundation to conduct, will Not Fall into Wrong Knowledge.



Due to deflecting from Complete Enlightenment Nature, so called Ignorance. Because in Original Enlightenment Nature is without Ignorance. Only due to falsely accepting the Faculties of Senses, the Objects of the Senses, Consciousness, Skandhas as the Citta, Citta discriminates, holds to Own Ego, has erroneous Perception, so there is appearance & disappearance, the wheel of births-and-deaths illusorily called Ignorance. Ignorance is like Dream scenes, when still dreaming there are dreaming scenes, when wakening there is no dream. So Ignorance is non-entity, only unreal, false, illusory, false name.

Unreal in Complete Enlightenment Nature, not that Ignorance phenomenon does not exist.

As Dharmas existence and inexistence are due to the illusory combination of causes and conditions to be illusory existence _ illusory-inexistence. When illusory-existence they are only like Blur Spots in Space. When illusory-nothing, not the “empty” of existence and inexistence, but “Nothing” here means Pure Self-Nature, seeing and knowing as truth all three times Past, Present and Future, but not deep lost in thought, hold to, or stop at or dwell on any Dharma.

Because their True Nature is always Transparent, like The Vacuum Inside Atoms so all are Complete Enlightenment.


Esoteric Dharma Vajrapani Lineage

Vajrapani group – “Sun” generation

Explanation: Nhat Mai

Translator: Nhat Loan





Good Son, what is Ignorance? It is the Aberration which has existed since without beginning of all kinds of beings. Aberration seems like a Person with Misconception; it will cause the positions of Four Directions to be changed. Therefore, there is misconception that the Combination of  Four Elements is Self-Body, misconception that the Perception of the Six Objects of senses is Self-Mind, the same as diseased eyes seeing the space full of Blur Spots, or seeing the Moon have the second Moon on it. But the space actually has no Blur Spots, it appears due to the misconception of diseased people: due to this misconception, there is not only the Misconception of the Truth of space, but also the Misconception of the Exact Origin of Blur Spots in the space. And thus, there is the wheel of Births-and-Deaths, existing without reality, so it is named Ignorance.



What is Ignorance? That is The Aberration, is deflection from the truth, is Craziness. It means that Ignorance means not to truly see current, existent, limited, bordered matters. The World is illusory, is not real, is only the illusory combination of causes and conditions that satvas predestine to be true.

That is the Aberration from Without beginning, because of misperception leads to the unlimited rolling of conditionality of all physical and psychical phenomena until now, so misconceive that untruth is truth, truth is untruth, crazy erroneous thinking, overturning the directions East, West, South, North altering the positions of all, so obscure Complete Enlightenment Nature.

Misunderstanding the Combination of Four Elements (Earth-Water-Wind-Fire) as self-body, but without one of them cannot be called the body.

Knowing the Four Elements are also from “Nothingness” but illusorily exists, illusion is real, so the Four Elements are also not real. Then accepting the Four Elements, The Six Faculties of Senses, The Six Objects of Senses, The Six Consciousnesses are real. When The Six Faculties of Senses combine with The Six Objects of Senses creating Six Consciousnesses, accept or not accept them as the Citta, and then discriminate _ hold to existence _ hold to inexistence _ hold to ego _ hold to dharmas, conditionally interact  with scenes and the objects of senses, mistake the Shadow for the Image, like Blur Spots in space, like the Moon under Water …all are the  craziness in the sea of Complete Enlightenment Citta, the same as the diseased eyes seeing the Space having  Blur Spots, or seeing the Moon having the second Moon lying on it. Because of self-misperception of dharmas from causes and conditions, asserting truth and untruth, asserting existence and non-existence, therefore there is the Wheel of Births-and-Deaths which unreally exist, so named Ignorance.

Esoteric Dharma Vajrapani Lineage

Vajrapani group – “Sun” generation

Explanation: Nhat Mai

Translator: Nhat Loan







Buddha taught:

Good Son, Supreme Dharmaràja has Maha-Dhàrani Dharma named Complete Enlightenment, pouring out all pure Dharmas such as Eternal True Entity, Bodhi, Nirvàna and Pàramita, to teach all Bodhisattvas. Tathàgata’s preliminary basic actions are Based on Complete Enlightenment — based on that Wisdom that is Pure and that perfectly Shines to destroy Ignorance permanently, to Achieve Buddha Wisdom.



Buddha teaches:

Tathàgata has Maha-Dhàrani Dharma named Complete Enlightenment; pour out all pure Dharmas such as Eternal True Entity, Bodhi, Nirvàna and Pàramita, it means that from Pure True Nature Complete Enlightenment gathers all Dharmas, existence is without real existence, inexistence is without real inexistence. Because Complete Enlightenment is itself. So based on Complete Enlightenment to destroy  Ignorance permanently, will achieve Buddha Wisdom.  Because Ignorance does not really exist in Complete Enlightenment Nature, they are only illusory-scenes of Complete Enlightenment Self-Citta.

Just because of the misconception about the organs of six senses combined with the environment of the six gunas becoming six consciousnesses, using them as  Citta. Citta of  discrimination, is temporarily called Ignorance, so to have Buddha Wisdom, only need to transform perception and practice according to Complete Enlightenment Nature, there will be nothing that can be called Ignorance or No-Ignorance, there will be nothing that can be called Complete Enlightenment.

Because it is authentically itself, The Real Complete Enlightenment Nature is unconditional Loving-kindness, unconditional Compassion, unconditional Joy, and unconditional Equanimity with innumerable Citta of four kinds of sentient beings.


Esoteric Dharma Vajrapani Lineage

Vajrapani group – “Sun” generation

Explanation: Nhat Mai

Translation: Nhat Loan